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Session Services

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Traditional Chinese Medical Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture

One time*

Initial Acupuncture Consultation ( 75 min)                $160 


Standard Acupuncture Treatment (60 minutes)          $125
Standard Acupuncture Treatment (30 minutes)          $ 75

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PEMF Biofeedback Sessions


PEMF 25 Minute Session                              $75.00   +HST
PEMF 50 Minute Session                              $110.00 +HST




 (All packages 50 minute sessions)


Package of 3  PEMF Therapy Sessions         $315.00  +HST
Package of 5  PEMF Therapy Sessions         $500.00  +HST

Package of 10 PEMF Therapy Sessions        $950.00 + HST

Package of 20 PEMF Therapy Sessions        $1800.00 + HST

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Rapid Release Pro 3 Treatment (30 minutes)          $ 75

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*Acupuncture Treatments are covered
by most Insurance companies

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